Fabio Castagna - Osservatorio astronomico di Brera
A Bayesian Hierarchical Model for estimating the heterogeneity of pressure profiles within a population of galaxy clusters


Shuang Zhou - Osservatorio astronomico di Brera
Modelling the chemical evolution of galaxies through semi-analytic spectral fitting
Elena Kronberg - Ludwig-Maximilians-University of Munich
Where and under which conditions do soft protons affect X-ray observations: space physics meets astrophysics and machine learning
Gabriele Bruni - INAF -IAPS - Institute for Space Astrophysics and Planetology
The GRACE project: High-energy giant radio galaxies and their duty cycle
Paolo Saracco - INAF Osservatorio Astronomico di Brera
SHARP – A Near-IR Multi-mode Spectrograph Conceived for the Multi-Conjugate Adaptive Optics Module MORFEO@ELT
Alvio Renzini - INAF Observatory of Padova
A transient Overcooling in the Early Universe? Clues from Globular Cluster Formation
Roberto Taverna - Universita' di Padova
X-ray polarization from magnetar sources
Amy Rankine - Postdoctoral Research Associate, Royal Observatory, Edinburgh, ROE
Quasar outflows: a (mostly) UV perspective
Giorgio Manzoni - Jockey Club Institute for Advanced Study, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Modelling the early universe using the James Webb Space Telescope
Michele Fumagalli - Università degli studi di Milano Bicocca
The gas environment of galaxies across 10 billion years
Prof. Cesare Chiosi - Universita' degli Studi di Padova
Scaling Relations: a new framework for understanding the evolution of early-type galaxies
Prof. Cesare Chiosi - Universita' degli Studi di Padova
Scaling Relations: a new framework for understanding the evolution of early type galaxies
Dominic Walton - University of Cambridge
The Extremes of Accretion: Ultraluminous X-ray Sources and Super-Eddington Pulsars
Enrica Iodice - OA Capodimonte
Looking into the faintEst WIth muSe (LEWIS): on the nature of ultra-diffuse galaxies in the Hydra-I cluster
Marianna Annunziatella - Centro de Astrobiología, Instituto Nacional de Técnica Aeroespacial, Madrid
A look into the early stages of formation of massive galaxies
NANNI’s vision : Geminga and beyond
Ana Acebron - Università degli Studi di Milano
Time-delay cosmography with cluster strong lensing
Giustina Vietri - INAF/Osservatorio Astronomico di Roma
Discovery of variable, multi-component UV ultra-fast outflow in a z=3.6 quasar
Alessandro Papitto - INAF/Osservatorio Astronomico di Roma
Radio pulsations from a neutron star within the gamma-ray binary LS I +61 303
Marika Giulietti - SISSA, Trieste
The far-infrared/radio correlation for a sample of strongly lensed dusty star-forming galaxies detected by Herschel
Matteo Costanzi - INAF - Observatory of Trieste
Cosmology with optically selected clusters
Silvia Belladitta - INAF-OABrera/Universita' degli studi dell'Insubria
A detailed overview of PSOJ0309+27, a blazar at z>6
Adriana Gargiulo - Susanna Bisogni (INAF-IASF Milano)
SIPGI: an interactive pipeline for spectroscopic data reduction
Roberto Maiolino - Kavli Institute for Cosmology and Cavendish Laboratory, University of Cambridge
The James Webb Space Telescope: a new window on the Universe
Marisa Brienza - Università di Bologna
AGN fossil plasma in galaxy groups
Antonello Calabro, INAF-OAR
Investigating environmental effects on galaxy evolution in the high redshift universe
Vittorio Ghirardini - MPE
The clusters and groups of galaxies in the eROSITA Final Equatorial-Depth Survey (eFEDS)
Jenny Sorce - Leibniz Institute for Astrophysics Postdam
Towards accurate precision cosmology with CLONES’ help
Riccardo Arcodia - Max Planck Institute for extraterrestrial Physics, Garching
X-ray bursts from two previously quiescent galaxies: massive black holes awakening?
Germano Bianchi - INAF IRA-Bologna
Space debris situation and new approach for the monitoring of orbiting object within the European SST network
Eugene Churazov - Max Planck Institute for Astrophysics
X-ray view of the Coma galaxy cluster with SRG/eROSITA
Darko Donevski - SISSA, Trieste
Knocking on the doors of dusty giants in the distant Universe
Maura Pilia - INAF/OA-Cagliari
Multiwavelength FRBs: Challenge Accepted!
Angela Iovino - OAB-INAF
The Plan for Positive Actions in INAF 2020-2022
Riccardo Smareglia - INAF-OATs
Quale roadmap per le infrastrutture informatiche dell’INAF ?
Marco Scodeggio - INAF-IASF Milano
The status of the Euclid mission
Gabriele Ponti - OA Brera Merate
The Galactic center chimneys: The base of the multiphase outflow of the Milky Way
Sebastian Heinz - University of Wisconsin-Madison
X-ray Dust Tomography: A New Frontier in Galactic Exploration
Esra Bulbul - MPE
First Results from eROSITA Observations of Galaxy Groups and Clusters
Marco Galliani & Marco Malaspina - INAF
Media Inaf e Ufficio stampa Inaf: a chi servono, come funzionano
Bianca Poggianti - OAPD
Cosmic jellyfish
Ciro Pinto - IASF Palermo
The fight between cooling and heating in galaxy clusters
Matteo Guainazzi - ESA
AGN Feedback in the Athena and XRISM era
Lorenzo Caccianiga - Universita' degli Studi di Milano
Astrophysics with ultra-high energy cosmic rays
Mario Pasquato - INAF/OAPD
Supervised and unsupervised machine learning for astronomy: some concrete examples
Corrado Perna - INAF - sede centrale
Roadshow Innovazione – Valorizzare la ricerca nell’Astrofisica globale del XXI secolo
Franco Vazza - Università di Bologna
The magnetic cosmic web
Roberto Soria - University of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (Beijing)
Ionized bubbles and kinetic power of ULXs
Volker Beckmann - CNRS
European Open Science Cloud: Opportunities and risks for your work
Arvind Parmar - ESA
ESA’s Science Programme – Present Accomplishments and Future Successes!
Luciano Rezzolla - Goethe University Frankfurt
The first image of a black hole
Laura Pentericci - OAR
The VANDELS survey: overview and first results
Daniel Wik - University of Utah
Stuck in the Weeds: Exploring the X-ray Universe with NuSTAR, the Hard Way
Daniele D'Agostino - CNR-IMATI Genova
eScience: new information technologies for research activities in Astronomy and Astrophysics
Gianluca Israel - Osservatorio di Roma
Taking the beat of the UNSEEN: a new Ultraluminous Neutron Star Extragalactic populatioN
Eleonora Villa - Center for Theoretical Physics, Polish Academy of Science
The cosmological back reaction