Quasar-driven outflows (i.e. jets and winds) are widely invoked in galaxy formation models in order to reproduce the observed properties of massive galaxies. However, there are still fundamental open questions regarding the origins of these outflows, and their relationship to accretion processes. Signatures of quasar winds are most commonly observed in the restframe UV spectra of z~2 quasars; however, quasar observations at different wavelengths probe structure on different spatial scales, and it is only by bringing together these multiwavelength datasets as part of a holistic analysis that real progress can be made in understanding how quasars are able to influence their host galaxies. I will provide an overview of the various signatures of quasar outflows observed in the UV before folding in multiwavelength data (X-ray and radio) in order to see what we can learn about the origin and driving mechanisms of quasar winds.
Quasar outflows: a (mostly) UV perspective