Welcome to the Astro-Siesta page!

Astro-Siesta are informal talks on various astrophysical/astronomical research projects, but different topics are also welcome!
Astro-Siesta are usually held by IASF staff members and last 20 min (30 min for “external” people), plus additional time for questions. It is recommended to include a brief general introduction on the topic for non-experts in the presentation.

The next astro-siesta are listed below. Astro-siesta are held in the IASF meeting room (Sala riunioni) on the fourth floor every other Wednesday (holidays permitting) at 11:00am.

From September 2018: Adriana Gargiulo, Mariachiara Rossetti
January 2007 – June 2018: Adamantia Paizis, Mauro Fiorini, Andrea Giuliani

25 September 2024Melita (Carbone)
Lorenzo (Piga)
Cosmology @ IASFMI (part 1)- The DEMNUni simulations: Structure Formation and Deep Learning
9 October 2024Iacopo (Bartalucci)PSZ2 G282.28+49.94, a recently discovered Planck cluster analogue of the
famous Bullet Cluster
6 November 2024Silvano (Molendi)Entropia, che follia!
15 November 2024Bianca (De Caro)/
Elisabetta (Carella)
Needlets and foreground removal for SKA HI intensity maps /
Galaxy-halo connection and clustering in dynamical dark energy and massive neutrino scenarios
4 December 2024Ada (Paizis)Communicating (science): my lessons learned and mistakes
15 January 2025Serena (Farina)Feel the avalanche! A journey in single-photon avalanche diodes
29 January 2025Fabio DitraniThe COSMOS Wall: quiescent galaxies and their evolution in different environments
12 February 2025Pierfrancesco Di CintioN-Body simulations of tidal stripping in the Fornax dwarf spheroidal galaxy. Implications for is stellar and dark matter content



Page maintained by Adriana Gargiulo Last modified: 15-1-2025