24-11-2021  14:30
IASF - Virtual room at this link https://meet.google.com/wwp-prxt-xdz
Vittorio Ghirardini - MPE

eROSITA is a brand new X-ray telescope launched in July 2019. It is now performing an all sky survey that will take four years to complete. Meanwhile, during the performance verification phase we have observed a small 140 deg2 area at a similar depth of the final all sky survey in equatorial region. In this area we discovered more than 500 clusters.I will present some of these results, guiding you from the creation of the cluster catalog, to the extraction of physical properties, that are later used in several works. In particular I will be focusing on my work, related to the characterization of the morphological properties.Morphological parameters are very useful and cheap information that are closely related with cluster dynamical state. In this talk I will present the analysis of the morphological properties of the clusters detected in the survey, showing dependence with cosmic distance and luminosity as well a a new way to summarize all these information in a new parameter.We are able to study the evolution with cosmic time of the relaxed fraction of objects. 

The clusters and groups of galaxies in the eROSITA Final Equatorial-Depth Survey (eFEDS)
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