11 October 2023Martino (Marelli)XMM detection of the prompt emission of the BOAT GRB 221009A
7 November 2023Letizia (Cassarà)A virtual immersion in ENGAGE
22 November 2023Bianca (Garilli)Six years later: subjective retrospective
28 February 2024Mariachiara (Rossetti)Robust reconstruction of temperature profiles for CHEX-MATE galaxy clusters
6 March 2024Giulia CampitielloThe X-ray appearance of galaxy clusters – Properties, discontinuities and anomalies of the intracluster medium distribution
27 March 2024Patrizia (Caraveo)SN1987A in the JWST era 
3 April 2024Mario (Pasquato)Bringing causality to astronomy
24 April 2024Bianca (Garilli)L’Ultima Thule – Entering the Post-ELT Era: The Wide-field Spectroscopic Telescope
8 May 2024Andrea TavascioProbing the MQN01 Cosmic Structure: Unveiling the Densest Population of AGN through Chandra Observations