Post-doc fellowship
Deadline: 31-01-2020

Duration: one year, with possible extension

The fellowship is awarded within the “Euclid OU-SIR” project. This project involves the coordination of the spectroscopic pipeline development within the Euclid survey project, the direct participation to the pipeline development effort, and the contribution to the development of advanced validation and data quality methodologies, to be applied to the spectroscopic data and to any other data product of the pipeline.

In particular the successful candidate will work on:

  • validation of the Euclid spectroscopic simulations (these are the simulations currently used as input for the spectroscopic pipeline);
  • development of validation strategies for the spectroscopic pipeline data products, and implementation of a prototype validation pipeline;
  • development of a data quality control strategy for the spectroscopic pipeline data products, and implementation of prototype pipeline elements that would allow the automatic derivation of data quality parameters for all spectroscopic pipeline data products
  • any other activity in support of the spectroscopic pipeline development that might be decided in agreement with the pipeline development team.

For further info, please see the official job announcement;


Validation of the pipeline and of the spectroscopic data from the Euclid survey