Biblioteca INAF-IASF Milano (acquisiti da Dicembre 2005 ad Agosto 2019)

Autore Titolo Anno Collocaz.
Appenzeller High-Redshift Galaxies: Light from the Early Universe 2009 A-175
Avallone, Baumeister, Sadegh Mark’s standard handbook for mechenical engineers 2007 A-176
Axelson USB complete 2009 A-177
AA. VV. The Space Report 2014: The Authoritative Guide to Global Space Activity 2014 A-178
Amendola, Tsujikawa Dark Energy: Theory and Observations 2010 A-178
Arnaud, Smith, Siemiginowska Handbook of X-ray Astronomy 2011 A-179
Ackmann Mercury 13 2011 A-180
Alber Aerospace Engineering on the Back of an Envelope 2012 A-181
Al-Khalili La casa della saggezza 2013 A-182
Arnold Getting Started in Radio Astronomy 2013 A-183
Audoin, Guinot The Measurement of Time 2001 A-184
Ascoli Lezioni di algebra 1961 A-185
Adler, Dashen Current algebra and applications to particle physics 1968 A-186
AA. VV. New Worlds, New Horizons in Astronomy and Astrophysics 2010 A-187
Al-khalili, Mcfadden Life on the Edge: The Coming of Age of Quantum Biology 2014 A-189
Al-khalili La fisica del diavolo 2012 A-190
Amato Sotto i nostri piedi 2016 A-191
Andreon, Weaver Bayesian Methods for the Physical Sciences 2015 A-192
Archambeault PCB Design for Real-World EMI Control 2001 A-193
AA. VV. Museo delle meraviglie: curiose rarità dalle collezioni del Museo di Storia Naturale di Milano 2016 A-194
AA. VV. L’Osservatorio Astronomico di Brera nel XX Secolo 2015 A-195
Aharonian, Bergström, Dermer, Walter, Türler Astrophysics at Very High Energies 2013 A-196
AA. VV. Italian SKA White Book 2016 A-197
Ahmed Physics and Engineering of Radiation Detection 2014 A-198
Andersen, Baneke, Madsen The International Astronomical Union 2019 A-199
Bradt Astronomy Methods: A Physical Approach to Astronomical Observations 2004 B-245
Bely The Design and Construction of Large Optical Telescopes 2010 B-246
Babu, Feigelson Astrostatistics 1997 B-247
Bleeker The century of space science vol. 1 – 2 2001 B-248A/B
Baker CMOS: circuit design, layout and simulation 2008 B-249
Binney, Tramaine Galactic Dynamics 2008 B-250
Ball, Garr, Lorenz, Kerzhanovich Planetary landers and entry probes 2010 B-251
Bradt Astrophysics Processes: The Physics of Astronomical Phenomena 2008 B-252
Bely The Design and Construction of Large Optical Telescopes 2010 B-253
Boselli Alla scoperta delle galassie 2009 B-254
Bellazzini, Costa, Matt, Tagliaferri X-ray Polarimetry 2010 B-255
B. X-Ray Instrumentation 2010 B-256
Baschirotto, Liberali, Martini Complementi ed esercizi di elettronica 2010 B-257
Black Workshop Processes, Practices and Materials 2010 B-258
Blume LabVIEW Style Book 2007 B-259
Bolstad Introduction to Bayesian Statistics 2007 B-260
Binney, Marrifield Galactic Astronomy 1998 B-261
Benvenuto La scienza delle costruzioni ed il suo sviluppo storico 2010 B-262
Bogatin Signal and Power Integrity Simplified 2010 B-263
Breskin, Voss The CERN Larg Hadron Collider – Vol. 1 (LHC Machine, ALICE, ATLAS) 2009 B-264A
Breskin, Voss The CERN Larg Hadron Collider – Vol. 2 (CMS, LHCb, LHCf, TOTEM) 2009 B-264B
Boselli A panchromatic vew of galaxies 2011 B-265
Beckmann, Shrader Active Galactic Nuclei 2012 B-266
Becker Advanced Time-Correlated Single Photon Counting Techniques 2005 B-267
Brown Power Sources and Supplies: World Class Designs 2008 B-268
Budiansky Blackett’s War 2013 B-269
Belloni The Jet Paradigm: From Microquasars to Quasars 2010 B-270
Begelman, Rees Gravity’s Fatal Attraction: Black Holes in the Universe 2009 B-271
Bignami, Sommariva A Scenario for Interstellar Exploration and Its Financing 2013 B-272
Boschini Il mistero dei cosmonauti perduti 2013 B-273
Ball Al servizio del Reich 2015 B-274
Bucci Cattivi scienziati 2015 B-275
Beskin, Balogh, Falanga, Lyutikov, Mereghetti, Piran, Treumann The Strongst Magnetic Fields in the Universe 2016 B-276
Bailey Design for Embedded Image Processing on FPGAs 2011 B-277
Bignami, Sommariva The Future of Human Space Exploration 2016 B-278
Bernstein One Physicist’s Guide to Nuclear Weapons 2016 B-279
Baker NASA Hubble Space Telescope 2015 B-280
Baker An insight into the development and technology of space rockets and satellite launchers 2015 B-281
Biberman Electro-Optical Imaging: System Performance and Modeling 2001 B-282
Brian The Rebirth of the Russian Space Program 2007 B-283
Balanis Antenna theory : analysis and design  2016 B-284
Bonoli, Regazzoni, Pareschi, Marchiori Guido Horn D’Arturo and the Giant Telescopes 2013 B-285
Bertone Behind the Scenes of the Universe: From the Higgs to Dark Matter 2014 B-286
Bruce Sherlock Holmes e i misteri della scienza 1997 B-287
Battiston Fare Spazio. I miei anni all’Agenzia Spaziale 2019 B-288
Boorstin L’avventura della ricerca 2002 B-289
Borzou Theoretical and Experimental Approaches to Dark Energy and the Cosmological Constant Problem 2018 B-290
Cheng, Romero Cosmic gamma-ray sources 2004 C-222
Carilli, Rawlings Science with the Square Kilometre Array 2004 C-223
Carrol, Ostlie Introduction to modern astrophysics 2006 C-224
Carden Telemetry systems engineering 2002 C-225
Conley Space vehicle mechanisms: elements of successful design 1998 C-226
Ceci, Williams The mathematics of sex: how biology and society conspire to limit talented women and girls 2009 C-227
Chincarini, D’Avanzo, Margutti, Salvaterra The schoking universe 2010 C-228
Cobb, Cobb, Cobb Light Action! Amazing Experiments with Optics 2005 C-229
Campisi, Egiazarian Blind Image Deconvolution: Theory and Applications 2007 C-230
Creighton, Anderson Gravitational-Wave Physics and Astronomy 2011 C-231
Choudhuri Astrophysics for Physicists 2010 C-232
Coudert Religion, Magic, and Science in Early Modern Europe and America 2011 C-233
Ceruzzi A History of Modern Computing 2003 C-234
Cox, Forshaw The Quantum Universe (And Why Anything That Can Happen, Does) 2012 C-235
Congdon Bayesian Statistical Modelling 2006 C-236
Courvoisier High Energy Astrophysics: An Introduction 2012 C-237
Colella Manuale di metrologia e strumentazione elettronica 2012 C-238
Chatfield, Johnson Microsoft Office Project 2007. Guida pratica 2011 C-239
Chimenti Costruire siti dinamici con Joomla 2.5 2012 C-240
Cressler, Mantooth Extreme Environment Electronics 2012 C-241
Clark The Sun Kings 2009 C-242
Conti, Crowther, Leitherer From Luminous Hot Stars to Starburst Galaxies 2012 C-243
Churchill Complex variables and applications 1960 C-244
Caniggia, Maradei Signal Integrity and Radiated Emission of High-Speed Digital Systems 2008 C-245
Close Vita divisa 2016 C-246
Catena, Berilli, Davoli, Prosposito Studenti-Ricercatori per cinque giorni 2013 C-247
Collins Gravity’s Kiss 2017 C-248
Christian,‎ Brown,‎ Benjamin Big History: Between Nothing and Everything 2013 C-249
Carter, Mancini Op Amps for Everyone 2017 C-250
Chiuderi, Velli Fisica del Plasma: fondamenti e applicazioni astrofisiche 2012 C-251
Copeland,‎ Bowen, Sprevak, Wilson The Turing Guide 2017 C-252
Courvoisier From Stars to States 2017 C-253
Cimatti L’universo oscuro. Viaggio astronomico tre i misteri del cosmo 2017 C-254
Clark Alla ricerca di una nuova terra 2018 C-255
Calledda, Mureddu Osservatorio Astronomico di Cagliari – Strumenti Storici 2018 C-256
Collins Un bacio tra le stelle 2017 C-257
Caraveo Conquistati dalla Luna 2019 C-258
Chollet Deep Learning with Python 2017 C-259
Coombs Printed Circuits Handbook 2015 C-260
Dee Building a successful career in scientific research 2006 D-191
D’Agostini Bayesian reasoning in data analysis 2003 D-192
Davidoff The radio amateur’s satellite handbook 2003 D-193
Dermer, Menon High Energy Radiation from Black Holes: Gamma Rays, Cosmic Rays, and Neutrinos 2009 D-194
Di Marco UPS – Funzionamento e impego dei gruppi di continuità 2005 D-195
Dodelson Modern Cosmology 2003 D-196
Doering, Nishi Handbook of Semiconductor Manufacturing Technology 2007 D-197
Ducharme Basic optics for engineers 1998 D-198
Davies Uno strano silenzio. Siamo soli nell’universo? 2012 D-199
De Sio Cesari Manuale di Java 7 2011 D-200
Dobkin, Williams Analog Circuit Design 2011 D-201
Draine Physics of the Interstellar and Intergalactic Medium 2010 D-202
De Mitri (ed.) SciNeGHE 2012 2013 D-203
Dobkin, Williams   Analog Circuit Design: vol. 2 2013 D-204
De Bellis Introduzione alla bibliometria: dalla teoria alla pratica 2014 D-205
Deitel, Deitel C++ How to Program 2014 D-206
David Spies and Shuttle 2015 D-207
De Angelis, Pimenta Introduction to Particle and Astroparticle Physics 2015 D-208
Durini High Performance Silicon Imaging 2014 D-209
Davis Il calcolatore universale 2012 D-210
D’Onofrio, Rampazzo, Zaggia From the Realm of the Nebulae to Populations of Galaxies 2016 D-211
Di Leo Una dimora tra le stelle 2016 D-212
Da Dalt Understanding Jitter and Phase Noise 2018 D-213
Darrin Handbook of Space Engineering, Archaeology, and Heritage 2009 D-214
de Leeuw, Bergstra The History of Information Security: A Comprehensive Handbook 2007 D-215
deGrasse Tyson, Lang Accessory to War: The Unspoken Alliance Between Astrophysics and the Military 2018 D-216
deGrasse Tyson Astrofisica per chi va di fretta 2018 D-217
Dick Vita nel cosmo 2002 D-218
Drake High-Energy-Density Physics: Foundation of Inertial Fusion and Experimental Astrophysics 2019 D-219
Einasto Dark matter and cosmic web story 2014 E-188
Eversberg, Vollmann Spectroscopic Instrumentation: Fundamentals and Guidelines for Astronomers 2015 E-189
Eickhoff Onboard Computers, Onboard Software and Satellite Operations – An Introduction 2016 E-190
Fanning IDL programming techniques 1997 F-161
Falcinelli Techniche radioastronomiche 2007 F-162
Feigelson Babu Statistical Challenges of Astronomy 2011 F-163
Feynman Fisica di Feynman – Edizione completa 2007 F-164A/D
Fitzgerald Transistors 2010 F-165
Feigelson, Babu Modern Statistical Methods for Astronomy 2012 F-166
Fielding Amateur radio astronomy 2010 F-166
Franzese Manuale di archivistica italiana 2014 F-167
Fabiani, Muleri Astronomical x-ray polarimetry 2014 F-168
Freeman Storms in Space 2012 F-169
Green The Physics of Particle Detectors 2005 G-196
Gregory Bayesian Logical Data Analysis for the Physical Science 2005 G-197
Gomez De Castro Fundamental questions in astrophysics: Guidelines for Future UV Observatories 2006 G-198
Gauch Scientific method in practice 2003 G-199
Ghosh Pranab Rotation and accretion powered pulsars 2007 G-200
Giuva, Vitali, Zanni, Rosiello Potere degli archivi 2007 G-201
Graeme Photodiode amplifiers 1995 G-202
Gruntman Blazing the trail 2004 G-203
Giacconi Secrets of the hoary deep; a personal history of modern astronomy 2008 G-204
Gradshetyn, Zwillinger Tables of Integrals, Series, and Products 2007 G-205
Guercio Archivistica informatica. I documenti in ambiente digitale 2010 G-206
Gandolfi, Sandrelli Piccolo atlante celeste 2009 G-207
Grilloni Alimentatori stabilizzati 2005 G-208
Gilks, Richardson, Spiegelhalter Markov chain MonteCarlo in practice: interdisciplinary statistics 1995 G-209
Guadagni Programmare? Impariamo con il Labview. 2006 G-210
Geng Semiconductor Manufacturing Handbook 2005 G-211
Greggio, Renzini Stellar Populations 2011 G-212
Goodstein Il Nobel e l’impostore 2012 G-213
Giudice Odissea nello zeptospazio, un viaggio nella fisica dell’Lhc 2010 G-214
Gleick L’informazione 2012 G-215
Ganssle Embedded Systems: World Class Designs 2007 G-216
Golden Laboratory Experiments in Physics for Modern Astronomy 2012 G-217
Gray, Corbally Stellar Spectral Classification 2009 G-218
Gieffe Amplificatori di potenza a radio frequenza 2013 G-219
Griffiths Introduzione alla meccanica quantistica 2005 G-220
Gasquet, Witomski Fourier Analysis and Applications: Filtering, Numerical Computation, Wavelets 1999 G-221
Guerraggio La scienza in trincea 2015 G-222
Galippi Federico Faggin: Il padre del microprocessore 2012 G-223
Gamma, Helm, Johnson, Vlissides Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software 1994 G-224
Gerovitch Soviet Space Mythologies 2015 G-225
Garlaschelli, Carrer Scienziati pazzi 2017 G-226
Geron Hands-on machine learning with scikit-learn and tensorflow 2017 G-227
Gleick Viaggi nel tempo 2018 G-228
Gilmore Practical Gamma-ray Spectroscopy 2008 G-229
Gilmore Il quanto di Natale 1999 G-230
Galtier Introduction to Modern Magnetohydrodynamics 2016 G-231
Ghisellini Astrofisica per curiosi – Breve storia dell’Universo 2019 G-232
Giorello, Sindoni Un mondo di mondi, alla ricerca della vita nell’Universo 2016 G-233
Goedbloed, Keppens, Poedts Magnetohydrodynamics of Laboratory and Astrophysical Plasmas 2019 G-234
Gribbin L’universo, Una biografia 2008 G-235
Gubser, Pretorius I buchi neri 2018 G-236
Gurnett, Bhattacharjee Introduction to Plasma Physics 2017 G-237
Horstmann Core JAVA 2 – Volume II – Advanced Features 2004 H-240
Horstmann Core JAVA 2 – Volume I – Fundamentals 2004 H-240A
Holst CMOS/CCD sensors and camera systems 2007 H-241
Holmes Handbook of radiation effects 2002 H-242
Harland Space systems failures disasters and rescues ecc. 2005 H-243
Harvey Europe’s Space Programme: To Ariane and Beyond  2003 H-244
Hendrickx, Vis Energiya-Buran: The Soviet Space Shuttle 2007 H-245
Hall, Shayler The Rocket Men : Vostok and Voskhod, the First Soviet Manned Spaceflights 2001 H-246
Hayes, Horowitz The art of electronics (Student Manual with Exercises) 1989 H-247
Hobson, Jaffe, Liddle, Mukherjee, Parkinson Bayesian Methods in Cosmology 2010 H-248
Hack Libera scienza in libero stato 2010 H-249
Hobbs Buliding electro-optical systems 2009 H-250
Haering,  Vitoria Lobo Visual Event Detection 2010 H-251
Henzler Time to digital converters 2010 H-252
Huba NRL Plasma formulary 2011 H-253
Hayward, Campbell, Larkin Experimental Methods in RF Design 2009 H-254
Hall, Hall, McCall High-Speed Digital System Design 2000 H-255
Harding Space Policy in Developing Countries 2103 H-256
Harwit In Search of the True Universe 2013 H-257
Hughes Rescuing Prometheus: Four Monumental Projects That Changed the Modern World 2000 H-258
Horowitz, Hill The Art of Electronics 2015 H-259
Hastie, Tibshirani, Friedman The Elements of Statistical Learning 2013 H-260
Haig Taking chances 2003 H-261
Harvey CHINA’S SPACE & PROGRAM 2004 H-262
Hiltzik Big Science 2015 H-263
Hurwitz, Kaufman Cognitive Computing and Big Data Analytics 2015 H-264
Hooft, Vandoren Time in Powers of Ten: Natural Phenomena and Their Timescales 2014 H-265
Harman Wire Bonding in Electronics 2010 H-266
Houston, Ross Wheels Stop: The Tragedies and Triumphs of the Space Shuttle Program 2013 H-267
Hafner, Lyon Where Wizards Stay Up Late: The Origins Of The Internet 1998 H-268
Harvey Russia in space: failed frontier? 2001 H-269
Hartmann Evolution of Silicon Sensor Technology in Particle Physics 2017 H-270
Hilbe, de Souza, Ishida Bayesian Models for Astrophysical Data 2017 H-271
Harari Sapiens. Da animali a dèi. Breve storia dell’umanità 2012 H-272
Hossenfelder Experimental Search for Quantum Gravity 2018 H-273
Laruffa Lo spazio tricolore. Storie di uomini che hanno visto le stelle 2009 H-274
Iniewski Medical Imaging: Principles, Detectors, and Electronics 2009 I-119
Iniewski Electronics for Radiation Detection 2010 I-120
Iniewski Semiconductor Radiation Detection Systems 2010 I-121
Iniewski Radiation Effects in Semiconductors 2010 I-122
Inguscio, Wiesma Il laser. Cinquant’anni di idee luminose 2010 I-123
Ifrah The Universal History of Computing From the Abacus to the Quantum Computer 2007 I-124
Ivezic, Connolly, Vanderplas, Gray Statistics, Data Mining, and Machine Learning in Astronomy 2014 I-125
Janesick Photon transfer 2007 J-124
Johnson Photodetection and measurement 2003 J-125
Jeans Science and Music 2009 J-126
Jaynes Probability theory: the logic of science 2003 J-127
Jaschek Data in Astronomy 2011 J-128
Janesick Scientific charge coupled devices 2001 J-129
Johnson – Graham  High Speed Digital Design: A Handbook of Black Magic 1993 J-130
James Statistical methods in Experimental Physics 2006 J-131
Jung Op Amp applications handbook 2004 J-132
Johnson, Graham High-speed signal propagation, advanced black magic 2003 J-133
Jian-liang, Hong-Sen Decoding the Mechanisms of Antikythera Astronomical Device 2016 J-134
Jolliffe Principal Component Analysis 2002 J-135
Karam Satellite thermal control for systems engineers 1998 K-214
Kitchin Astrophysical techniques 2009 K-215
Kester Data Conversion Handbook 2004 K-216
Kleinknecht Detectors for Particle Radiation 2001 K-217
Kling Object Oriented Programming with IDL 2010 K-218
Knoll Radiation Detection and Measurement 2010 K-219
Kloeden, Kampen Numerical Solution of Stochastic Differential Equations 2010 K-220
Kulsrud Plasma Physics for Astrophysics 2004 K-221
Gi Kang Selected Papers on CCD and CMOS Imagers 2003 K-222
Kehtarnavaz, Mahotra Digital Signal Processing Laboratory 2010 K-223
Kitchin Telescopes and Techniques 2012 K-224
Kennefick Traveling at the Speed of Thought: Einstein and the Quest for Gravitational Waves 2007 K-225
Koberlein, Meisel Astrophysics Through Computation 2013 K-226
Kilts Advanced FPGA Design: Architecture, Implementation and Optimization 2007 K-227
Kwok Our place in the universe 2017 K-228
Kaku Il futuro dell’umanita’ 2018 K-229
Lutz Semiconductor Radiation Detectors – Device Physics 1999 L-191
Le Brun, Mazure, Arnauts, Burgarella The fabolous destiny of Galaxies 2006 L-192
Longair The Cosmic Century – A History of Astrophysics and Cosmology 2006 L-193
Larson Space mission analysis and design – Workbook 2005 L-194
Landau, Lifshitz Fluid mechnics 1987 L-195
Leroy , Rancoita Principles of radiation interaction in matter and detection 2004 L-196
Landau, Lifshitz Electrodynamics of continuous media 1984 L-197
Launius, Mc Curdy Robots in Space 2008 L-198
Lorimer, Kramer Handbook of pulsar astronomy 2004 L-199
Lyne, Graham-Smith Pulsar astronomy 2006 L-200
Lightman, Price Problem Book in Relativity and Gravitation 1975 L-201
Luoni I diodi laser 1999 L-202
Lucke Building Clustered Linux Systems 2004 L-203
Ley, Wittmann, Hallmann Handbook of Space Technology 2009 L-204
Lenk Simplified Design of IC Amplifiers 1996 L-205
Lenk Practical design of power supplies 2005 L-206
Lamers, Cassinelli Introduction to stellar winds 1999 L-207
Longair High Energy Astrophysics 2011 L-208
LaFollette Science on American Television 2013 L-209
Love RF Front-End 2009 L-210
Lashey The Radio Sky and How to Observe It 2010 L-211
Levin, Kalal Improving Product Reliability 2003 L-212
Lin, Abney, Bekey Robot Ethics: The Ethical and Social Implications of Robotics 2012 L-213
Loeb, Furlanetto The First Galaxies in the Universe 2013 L-214
Longair High Energy Astrohphysics 2011 L-215
Lewin, Van der Klis Compact Stellar X-ray Sources 2010 L-216
Landi Degl’Innocenti Fisica solare 2007 L-217
Lewin, Goldstein For the Love of Physics: 2012 L-218
Lipunov Astrophysics of Neutron Stars 1992 L-219
Lutz Learning Python 2013 L-220
Lederman, Hill Fisica quantistica per poeti 2013 L-221
Lederman, Hill Oltre la particella di Dio – La fisica del XXI secolo 2014 L-222
Lardier The Soyuz Launch Vehicle 2013 L-223
Longair Maxwell’s enduring legacy 2016 L-224
Lakdawalla The Design and Engineering of Curiosity: How the Mars Rover Performs Its Job 2018 L-225
Lista Statistical Methods for Data Analysis in Particle Physics 2017 L-226
Leopardi Storia dell’astronomia dalla sua rigine fino all’anno MDCCCXIII 2008 L-227
Monson-Haefel J2EE Web Services – The ultimate Guide 2003 M-236
Metcalf Fortran 95/2003 explained 1999 M-237
Mitzner Complete PCB Design Using OrCad Capture and Layout 2007 M-238
Mc Lean Electronic imaging in astronomy 2008 M-239
Maoz Astrophysics in a nutshell 2007 M-240
Morrison Grounding and shielding 2007 M-241
Melia High-Energy Astrophysics 2009 M-242
Moore, Davis, Coplan, Greer Building Scientific Apparatus 2009 M-243
Meszaros The High Energy Universe 2010 M-244
Moldwin An Introduction to Space Weather 2008 M-245
Murray Human Accomplishment: The Pursuit of Excellence in the Arts and Sciences, 800 B.C. to 1950 2004 M-246
Mo, van den Bosch, White Galaxy Formation and Evolution 2010 M-247
Mullan Physics of the Sun: A First Course 2010 M-248
Maas, Hooijmaijers Scientific Research In World War II: What scientists did in the war 2009 M-249
McLaughlin, Lomask Project Vanguard 2009 M-250
Mohan Elettronica di Potenza 2005 M-251
Margolis Arduino. Progetti e soluzioni 2011 M-252
Mitzner Complete PCB Design Using OrCAD Capture and PCB Editor 2009 M-253
Mazure, le Brun Matter, Dark Matter, and Anti-Matter 2011 M-254
Martin Clean Code: A Handbook of Agile Software Craftsmanship 2008 M-255
Manly Unusual Telescopes 1995 M-256
McKinney Python for data analysis 2013 M-257
Miller La chimica del cosmo 2014 M-259
Moltz Asia’s Space Race 2011 M-260
Montrose EMC and the Printed Circuit Board: Design, Theory and Layout Made Simple 1999 M-261
Mardiguian Controlling Radiated Emissions by Design 2014 M-262
Monk Programming the Raspberry Pi 2015 M-263
Mesinger Understanding the Epoch of Cosmic Reionization 2016 M-264
Meszaros High-Energy Radiation from Magnetized Neutron Stars 1992 M-265
Magli Archaeoastronomy: Introduction to the Science of Starts and Stones 2016 M-266
Newton La fisica dei quanti sfida la realtà 2011 N-126
Nastasi, Mayer, Hirvonen Ion-Solid Interactions: Fundamentals and Applications 2004 N-127
Nakhostin Signal Processing for Radiation Detectors 2017 N-128
Morris Watching Earth from Space 2010 N-258
Ott Noise reduction techniques 1988 O-123
O’Hanlon A User’s Guide to Vacuum Technology 2003 O-124
O’Reilly (Carter) LDAP System Administration 2003 O-125
Oppenheim Lean for Systems Engineering 2011 O-126
Ogelman, Rotschild Recognition of compact astrophisical objects 1977 O-127
O’connor, Kleyner Practical Reliability Engineering 2012 O-128
Ott Electromagnetic Compability Engineering 2009 O-129
Pease Troubleshooting analog circuits 1991 P-213
Pringle, king Astrophysical flows 2007 P-214
Padmanabhan An invitation to astrophysics 2006 P-215
Petty Molecular electronics 2008 P-216
Padmanabhan Theoretical Astrophysics (Vol. I) 2000 P-217/I
Padmanabhan Theoretical Astrophysics (Vol. II) 2001 P-217/II
Padmanabhan Theoretical Astrophysics (Vol. III) 2002 P-217/III
Percy Understanding variable stars 2007 P-218
Piumini, Sandrelli, Fulvi Sotto lo stesso cielo 2009 P-219
P. AGILE: The first three years; scientific papers 2010 P-220
Peebles Principles of Physical Cosmology 1993 P-221
Piriou, Tripolini Access 2007. Guida completa 2007 P-222
Prutchi, Norris Design and Development of Medical Electronic Instrumentation 2004 P-223
Priddy, Keller Artificial Neural Networks 2005 P-224
Pruneri Autodesk Inventor Professional 2011. La grande guida. Con CD-ROM 2010 P-225
Pruneri Autodesk Autocad 2012 e Autocad 2012 LT. La grande guida 2011 P-226
Pasachoff, Ros, Pasachoff Innovation in Astronomy Education 2008 P-227
Panel Reports New Worlds, New Horizons in Astronomy and Astrophysics 2011 P-228
Prutchi Exploring Quantum Physics Through Hands-On Projects 2012 P-229
Pedersen Road-map to the Indian’s Treasure 2002 P-230
Pease Analog Circuits 2008 P-231
Perryman The Exoplanet Handbook 2011 P-232
Poggi Antenne attive 2011 P-233
Paul Introduction to Electromagnetic Compatibility 2006 P-234
Parolini Mario Tchou. Ricerca e sviluppo per l’elettronica Olivetti 2015 P-235
Ponomarenko, Filachev Infrared Techniques and Electro-Optics in Russia 2007 P-236
Penrose Numeri, teoremi & minotauri 2017 P-237
Pivato, Pivato I comunisti sulla Luna 2017 P-238
Paizis, Siena Salvate il pianeta Orz 2017 P-239
Pellegrini Annuario scienza tecnologia e societa’ 2018 2018 P-240
Palumbo L’epopea delle lunatiche 2018 P-241
Protopopov Practical Opto-Electronics 2014 P-242
Rothwell Who want to be a scientists? 2002 R-197
Redondi, Sironi, Tucci, Vegni The Scientific legacy of Beppo Occhialini 2006 R-198
Rossi Pixel detectors from fundamentals to applications 2006 R-199
Ruffner Corona: America’s First Satellite Program 2005 R-200
Renneberg, Walker (Eds) Science, technology and national socialism 2003 R-201
Rojas The First Computers – History and Architectures 2002 R-202
Rosswog, Bruggen Introduction to high energy astrophysics 2007 R-203
Rodriguez Espinosa, Herrero, Sánchez Instrumentation for Large Telescopes 1997 R-204
Rosswog, Bruggen Introduction to high energy astrophysics 2007 R-205
Reed Physics of the Manhattan Project 2011 R-206
Richards Alien vision 2011 R-207
Riedl Optical design: applying the fundamentals 2009 R-208
Reinhard, Heidrich, Debevec, Pattanaik, Ward, Myszkowski High Dynamic Range Imaging 2010 R-209
Rothery, Gilmour, Sephton An Introduction to Astrobiology 2011 R-210
Rovelli Che cos’è la scienza. La rivoluzione di Anassimandro 2011 R-211
Spence Richards Scientific Information in Wartime 1994 R-212
Regge, Sandrelli L’ infinito cercare. Autobiografia di un curioso 2012 R-213
Ryden Introduction to cosmology 2003 R-214
Rossi Moments in the Life of a Scientist 2008 R-215
Richcici, Delplancke, Paresce, Chelli The Power of Optical/IR Interferometry: Recent Scientific Results and 2nd Generation Instrumentation 2007 R-216
Roy Orbital Motion 2004 R-217
Rao Developments in Time Series Analysis 1993 R-218
Reed The History and Science of the Manhattan Project 2014 R-219
Regini Malata e denigrata 2009 R-220
Rivetti CMOS: Front-End Electronics for Radiation Sensors 2017 R-221
Ricci Alla scoperta delle onde gravitazionali 2018 R-222
Rovelli La realtà non è come ci appare. La struttura elementare delle cose 2014 R-223
Ramos, Arregui Bayesian Astrophysics 2018 R-224
Schroder Semiconductor material and device characterization 1998 S-302
Spieler Semiconductor Detector Systems 2005 S-303
Shapiro Black Holes, White Dwarfs and Neutron Stars: The Physics of Compact Objects 1983 S-304
Schmitt Electromagnetics Explained – A handbook for Wireless/RF, EMC, and High-Speed Electronics 2002 S-305
Staric Wideband amplifiers 2007 S-306
Siddiqi The Soviet space rate with Apollo 2003 S-307
Straw (Ed.) The ARRL Antenna Book 2007 S-308
Sutton Liquid Propellant Rocket engines 2006 S-309
Starck, Murtagh Astronomical image and data analysis 2006 S-310
Sivia, Skilling Data Analysis: A Bayesian Tutorial 2006 S-311
Sparke, Gallagher Galaxies in the Universe: an introduction 2007 S-312
Seward, Charles Exploring the X-ray Universe 2010 S-313
Spencer Digital Design for Computer Data Acquisition 2009 S-314
Sandrelli In viaggio per l’universo. Attraverso l’Italia leggendo il cielo 2009 S-315
Scullino Conoscere le celle di Peltier 2009 S-316
Shuch Searching for Extraterrestrial Intelligence 2010 S-317
Sciamanna PCB facile e veloce 2010 S-319
Sutton Observational Astronomy 2011 S-320
Sullivan Cosmic noise 2009 S-321
Siddiqi Sputnik and the Soviet Space Challenge 2003 S-322
Sanders The Dark Matter Problem 2010 S-323
Schroeder Astronomical Optics 1999 S-324
Shaver Cosmic Heritage 2011 S-325
Simpson FPGA Design 2010 S-326
Strickland Scienziate d’Italia. Diciannove vite per la ricerca 2011 S-327
Schmidt Il manuale di Arduino 2011 S-328
Sella, Rossetto Inventor Professional 2012 guida per progettazione meccanica e design 2011 S-329
Seitz, Theuwissen Single-Photon Imaging 2011 S-330
Schneider Extragalactic Astronomy and Cosmology: An Introduction 2010 S-331
Smith Modern Optical Engineering 2007 S-332
Smith Reliability, Maintainability and Risk 2011 S-333
Swaminathan, Engin Power Integrity Modeling and Design for Semiconductors and Systems 2007 S-334
Salarelli Introduzione alla scienza dell’informazione 2012 S-335
Sandige Fundamentals of Digital and Computer Design with VHDL 2012 S-336
Scharf The Copernicus Complex 2014 S-337
Surkov Ultra and Extremely Low Frequency Electromagneti​c Fields 2014 S-338
Sadeh Space Strategy in the 21st Century 2012 S-339
SKA Organizations Advancing astrophysics with the Square Kilometre Array Vol. 1 2015 S-340
SKA Organizations Advancing astrophysics with the Square Kilometre Array Vol. 2 2015 S-341
Stephenson, Green Historical Supernovae and their Remnants 2002 S-342
Susskind La guerra dei buchi neri 2009 S-343
Schwartz, Milligan The Ethics of Space Exploration 2016 S-344
Spurio Particles and Astrophysics 2015 S-345
Sebestyen, Fujikawa, Galassi Low earth orbit satellite design 2018 S-346
Scharf, Miller The Zoomable Universe: A Step-by-Step Tour Through Cosmic Scale, from the Infinite to the Infinitesimal 2017 S-347
Shakura Accretion Flows in Astrophysics 2018 S-348
Strang Introduction to Linear Algebra 2016 S-349
Susskind, Friedman Meccanica quantistica 2015 S-350
Thompson, Moran, Swenson Interferometry and synthesis in radio astronomy 2001 T-162
Taylor An introduction to error analysis 1997 T-163
Tennyson Astronomical Spectroscopy: An Introduction to the Atomic and Molecular Physics of Astronomical Spectra 2005 T-164
Thompson An Introduction to Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics 2006 T-165
Trümper, Hasinger The Universe in X-Rays 2008 T-166
Tyson Principles of Adaptive Optics 2010 T-167
Taylor, Medvidovic, Dashofy Software Architecture: Foundations, Theory, and Practice 2009 T-168
Temple Implosion 2012 T-169
Tinetti I pianeti Extrasolari 2013 T-170
Tropp, Frenkel, Chernin Alexander A. Friedmann: the man who made the universe expand 2006 T-171
Turchetti The Pontecorvo affair 2012 T-172
Thorne Buchi neri e salti temporali 2013 T-173
Tsaliovich Cable Shielding for Electromagnetic Compatibility 2012 T-174
Tirelli La signora delle comete 2018 T-175
Tallents An Introduction to the Atomic and Radiation Physics of Plasmas 2018 T-176
Voller The Muleskinner and the Stars: The Life and Times of Milton La Salle Humason, Astronomer 2016 V.129
Vedrenne, Atteia Gamma-Ray Bursts – The brightest explosions in the Universe 2009 V-123
Vitali Passato digitale. Le fonti dello storico nell’era del computer 2004 V-124
Van Allen Origins Of Magnetospheric Physics: An Expanded Edition 2004 V-125
Vollmerhausen, Reago, Driggers Analysis and Evaluation of Sampled Imaging Systems 2010 V-126
Vollmerhausen, Reago, Driggers Analysis and evaluation of sampled imaging systems 2010 V-126/2
Votano Il fantasma dell’universo 2015 V-127
van den Heuvel The Amazing Unity of the Universe And Its Origin in the Big Bang 2016 V-128
Wall, Jenkins Practical statistics for astronomers 2003 W-180
Williams The circuit designer’s companion 2004 W-181
Wertz Space mission analysis and design 2007 W-182
Ward Dr Space (the life of  W. von Braun) 2005 W-183
Warner A Practical Guide to Lightcurve Photometry and Analysis 2006 W-184
Watson Radar Origins Worldwide 2009 W-185
Weinberg Cosmology 2008 W-186
Wilcox Fundamentals of modern statistical methods 2012 W-187
Williamson Spacecraft Technology: The Early Years 2006 W-188
Weintraub How Old is the Universe? 2012 W-189
Woolfson The Formation of the Solar System 2007 W-190
Wertheim Tutti pazzi per la fisica. Anelli di fumo, circloni e teorie alternative del tutto 2012 W-191
Wheeler Cosmic Catastrophes 2007 W-192
Williams, Viti Observational Molecular Astronomy 2013 W-193
Wurth Trilogy of magnetics 2014 W-194
Wickramasinghe Where Did We Come From?: Life of an Astrobiologist 2015 W-195
Wickramasinghe Vindication of Cosmic Biology 2015 W-196
West Scala 2018 W-197
Wierzbicki Technen: Elements of Recent History of Information Technologies with Epistemological Conclusions 2016 W-198
Werner, Eisenhardt More Things in the Heavens 2019 W-199
Yajima, Izutsu, Imamura, Abe Scientific Ballooning 2009 Y-108
Yoder Mounting Optics in Optical Instruments 2008 Y-109
Yeomans Near-Earth Objects: Finding Them Before They Find Us 2012 Y-110
Zappa, Zappa Complementi di elettronica 2006 Z-119
Zappa Sistemi elettronici 2010 Z-120
Zappa Elettronica 2008 Z-121
Zelinovski VHDL. Progetto di sistemi digitali 2007 Z-122
Zohner Alla riscoperta dell’antica Via dell’Ambra Z-123
Ziegler, Aigner Proofs from the book 2014 Z-124
Zak Russia in space 2014 Z-125
Zella Antenne toroidali 2015 Z-196
Serie Very Short Introduction, con collocazione: VSI + titolo)
Boden Artificial Intelligence 2018 VSI Artificial Int.
Catling Astrobiology 2013 VSI Astrobiology
Binney Astrophysics 2016 VSI Astrophysics
Palmer Atmosphere 2017 VSI Atmosphere
Holmes Big Data 2017 VSI Big Data
Blundell Black Holes 2015 VSI Black Holes
Coles Cosmology 2001 VSI Cosmology
Piper, Murphy Cryptography 2002 VSI Cryptography
Lenton Earth System Science 2016 VSI Earth System
Gribbin Galaxies 2008 VSI Galaxies
Hoskin History of Astronomy 2003 VSI History Astron.
Klenerman Human Anatomy 2015 VSI Human Anat.
Wood Human Evolution 2019 VSI Human Evol.
Deary Intelligence 2001 VSI Intelligence
Blundell Magnetism 2012 VSI Magnetism
Hand Measurement 2016 VSI Measurement
Close Nothing 2009 VSI Nothing
Close Nuclear Physics 2015 VSI Nuclear Phys.
Irvine Nuclear Power 2011 VSI Nuclear Power
Rothery Planets 2010 VSI Planets
Polkinghorne Quantum Theory 2002 VSI Quantum Th.
Tuniz Radioactivity 2012 VSI Radioactivity
Winfield Robotics 2012 VSI Robotics
King Stars 2012 VSI Stars
Blundell Superconductivity 2009 VSI Supercond.
Libri in arrivo (Ordine a Libreria Cortina in data 09 Agosto 2018)
Braccesi Per una storia della fisica del ventesimo secolo 2008
Fegan Cherenkov Reflections: Gamma-Ray Imaging and the Evolution of TeV Astronomy 2019
Starkey Catching Stardust 2018
Ved Prakash Sandlas The Leapfroggers 2018
Smith Chaos 2007
Holland Complexity 2014
Falconer Fractals 2013
Binmore Game Theory 2007
Clifton Gravity 2017
Vaidhyanathan Intellectual Property 2017
Antognazza Leibniz 2016
Walmsley Light 2015
Priest Logic 2017
Cottrell Matter 2019
Ball Molecules 2003
Rothery Moons 2015
Close Particle Physics 2004
Perkowitz Physics 2019
Stannard Relativity 2008
Hand Statistics 2008
Stewart Symmetry 2013
Cottrell Telescopes 2016
Redfern The Earth 2003
Ball The Elements 2004
Heilbron The History of Physics 2018
Scerri The Periodic Table 2011
Goldsmith Waves 2018

Page maintained by Mauro Fiorini Last modified: 15-10-2019