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Education and Qualifications

March 2001 : Graduation in Physics, 102/110, at the Pavia University. Title of the Thesis: ``Studio e ottimizzazione della risoluzione angolare del telescopio spaziale per astronomia gamma AGILE'' (Study and Optimization of the angular resolution of the AGILE gamma-ray telescope). Supervisors : Prof. G.F. Bignami (Pavia University), Dott. S.Mereghetti (IASF Milano) and Dott. M.Roncadelli (INFN Pavia).

May 2001 : Post-graduate position for one year at the IASF Milano Institute (INAF) as researcher on gamma-ray astronomy.

November 2001 : Selected for a three-year Ph.D. position in Astrophysics and Astronomy at the Milano-Bicocca University. Graduate courses and examinations.

October 2004 : Selected for a four-year post-doc position as researcher at the IASF-Milano Institute (INAF). Research activity: Study of algorithms for reduction of cosmic-ray background and reconstruction of gamma-ray events in the gamma-telescope AGILE.

January 2005 : Discussion of the Ph.D. Thesis: ``Gamma-Ray emission from the Galactic plane: a new model for AGILE''. Ph.D. degree at the Milano-Bicocca University.

June 2008 : Selected for an Associate Researcher position at the IASF-Milano Institute (INAF) with duration 5 years.

June 2013 : CoCoPro position at CIFS, Consorzio Interuniversitario per la Fisica Spaziale, Torino, with duration 5 months

November 2013 : Selected for an Associate Researcher position at the IASF-Milano Institute (INAF) with duration 5 years.

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Andrea Giuliani 2016-03-09